What is Metaxalone

Metaxalone is a skeletal muscle prescription medication that is used in musculoskeletal disorders treatment to reduce pain. It’s not uncommon for healthcare providers to prescribe it to treat acute low back pain, a severe sprain, or painful muscle spasms. Metaxalone, also prescribed under the brand name Skelaxin, is sold in tablet form and works similarly to other skeletal muscle relaxants like carisoprodol soma and baclofen. A Schedule IV controlled substance, metaxalone is one of many muscle relaxants that depresses the central nervous system in order to induce pain relief and promote relaxation. However, as with any controlled substance, there are increased risks for drug addiction.

In addition (and owing to the drug’s sedative effects) some people use metaxalone recreationally. Some people combine alcohol and muscle relaxants to induce even more powerful sedation effects; however, the practice of combining alcohol and muscle relaxants is extremely dangerous and carries increased risks of overdose. By developing such patterns of abuse, users are not only at increased risk for an adverse event for their health, but also the development of a substance abuse disorder.

Muscle relaxants are referred to on the street by many different names, including Las Vegas cocktail, dance, and soma coma. Muscle relaxants come with a high potential for abuse because when metabolized by the body, they induce a tranquilizing effect that many drug abusers find appealing.

Metaxalone Effects

When taken as directed, metaxalone alleviates pain by CNS depression. In short, it calms the central nervous system, decreasing the pain signals emanating from the sprain or musculoskeletal condition it’s being used to treat. The drug does not have a direct effect on the muscle; it only offers CNS depression pain relief. It produces effects similar to a tranquilizer.

Prescribed as a muscle relaxer, especially in the treatment of various painful acute musculoskeletal conditions, metaxalone has a sedative effect on the brain that, in turn, also soothes sensations of pain. Instead of acting on the muscles affected by the condition in question, metaxalone depresses the central nervous system. Unfortunately, muscle relaxers can be highly addictive, and once a person develops a dependency on metaxalone, they can become addicted to this prescription drug.

When taken as directed, metaxalone alleviates pain by CNS depression. In short, it calms the central nervous system, decreasing the pain signals emanating from the sprain or musculoskeletal condition it’s being used to treat. The drug does not have a direct effect on the muscle; it only offers CNS depression pain relief. It produces effects similar to a tranquilizer.

Prescribed as a muscle relaxer, especially in the treatment of various painful acute musculoskeletal conditions, metaxalone has a sedative effect on the brain that, in turn, also soothes sensations of pain. Instead of acting on the muscles affected by the condition in question, metaxalone depresses the central nervous system. Unfortunately, muscle relaxers can be highly addictive, and once a person develops a dependency on metaxalone, they can become addicted to this prescription drug.

When taken as directed, metaxalone alleviates pain by CNS depression. In short, it calms the central nervous system, decreasing the pain signals emanating from the sprain or musculoskeletal condition it’s being used to treat. The drug does not have a direct effect on the muscle; it only offers CNS depression pain relief. It produces effects similar to a tranquilizer.

Signs of Metaxalone Abuse and Addiction

The development of addiction is an adverse health condition that can occur with the use of Drug Enforcement Schedule IV skeletal muscle relaxants like metaxalone and carisoprodol soma. Schedule IV drugs have a high potential for abuse, according to scientific and medical evidence. Adverse health events reporting agencies document emergency room visits relating to drug overdoses as well as the history and current pattern of taking carisoprodol or metaxalone as recreational drug abuse. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of muscle relaxant drug abuse and addiction include:

  • Doctor shopping (to procure a supply of muscles relaxants)
  • Taking more of the drug than the prescribed dose
  • Using a friend’s prescription
  • Nonmedical use of carisoprodol, metaxalone, or other controlled substance muscles relaxants
  • Using muscle relaxants when they aren’t medically needed any longer
  • Feeling unable to stop using the drug
  • Using muscle relaxers and alcohol together

Metaxalone Withdrawal Symptoms

A person can develop physiological dependence on metaxalone and other substance IV controlled drugs. Drug abuse warning networks and scientific literature note the increased risk of addiction development with the abuse of drugs like metaxalone. Some common metaxalone withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Tremors
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Hallucinations

Long-Term Side Effects of Metaxalone Abuse

Prescription drug abuse, street drug abuse, and alcohol abuse all involve long-term side effects. Health adverse events reporting system agencies and medical examiners commission cite some of these metaxalone and carisoprodol pharmacological long-term adverse effects as:

  • Disorientation
  • Reduced immunity
  • Seizures
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis
  • Swelling and inflammation of the liver
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Coma
  • Heart failure

Combining muscle relaxants and alcohol can increase the risks of negative health effects, according to human studies and adverse event reports.

Metaxalone Addiction Treatment

If you suspect you have become addicted to musculoskeletal relaxants like metaxalone, you need substance abuse treatment. DayBreak offers high-quality alcohol and drug treatment programs that help people overcome their physiological dependence and learn how to manage their addiction. Addiction treatment saves lives and protects people’s health. Contact DayBreak Treatment Solutions to learn more about our inpatient and outpatient programs today and end your dependence on this or other dangerous substances.

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