The Latest Trend in HOPE

Addicted to HOPE? Us Too. We Just Can’t Stop. Another Success Story.
This is S. Lee III. He grew up in Croydon old neighborhood riddled with meth addiction and a bunch of shut down Dentist offices. . He’s dealt with addiction for the last 4 years of his life, and on the day I interviewed him, he was 106 days clean. S. Lee is currently 31 years-old. He started smoking marijuana when he was 7 with his cousin FernRock.
“I found Crack and smoked it for a couple of years and then dealing it,” he said. “It’s literally been the one thing in my life that’s messed everything up.”
S.Lee has been in and out of treatment, relapsing every time. Even though he’s in his early 30s, I can see evidence of the carefree, sweet, innocent kid he once was. I can also see pain.
Hope is on the Horizon
We pride ourselves in providing an authentic path to addiction treatment and recovery. Come experience the difference at DayBreak.
Call NowThe Best Explanation of HOPE I Have Ever Heard
To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.

Having hope doesn’t mean everything that hurts or is scary instantly disappears. It means being open to feeling your fear or any other painful emotion. It means admitting that you have no idea what the next step will be like, but you are going to stop assuming the worst. Because living with a life without hope is a surefire path to getting physically ill, while the pain festers within.
Master the Skills of HOPE and Be Successful
Afterwards I went through some intense counseling with programs at Daybreak Treatment Solutions.
I stopped using drugs. I used to stop and think of all the bad things that happened in my life, never stopping to think of all the good things I have done. All my accomplishments. My Cats, Girlfriend, My Job.
That devil is a sneaky liar and if you allow him, he will try to steal your happiness.
I Relapsed again, yes, again. Is life “PERFECT?” Life never is, we all know that. BUT I now know how to cope and handle life. I am no longer that gypsy on the run. I have found peace, stability, and love. I am still a little broken child. I still have trust issues. I feel the safest at home. I do not have many friends. I still struggle with that little Boy who is looking for acceptance but then I stop and remember I can NEVER find these things in another person. These things must be found within myself and YES within GOD.