Weight Loss: Is It A Warning Sign Of Drug Use or Something Else?

While it’s always hard to keep ourselves from looking at things negatively, there’s no question that weight loss is, in fact, a sign of drug abuse.
However true that may be, it’s never wise to jump to conclusions. We’re going to talk about weight loss, how it relates to drug use, and if it is a result of it.
Can weight loss be a sign of drug use?
Weight loss can be a sign of drug use. People tend to lose weight while taking drugs due to loss of appetite and possibly even because one considers spending money on drugs better than spending it on food.
These issues aren’t linked to any single drug either. Weight loss can be tied to an addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs, narcotics, or anything else. That means it’s not easy to say what drug someone is abusing because they are losing weight.
Furthermore, weight loss is just one sign. Just because one loses weight does not mean they are using drugs. Their weight loss can be due to many other reasons, and it may even be intentional. By jumping to conclusions and accusing one of drug use while they’re in hard times or trying to better themselves, you run the risk of damaging the relationship beyond repair.
What are other warning signs of drug use?
The thing about the symptoms of drug abuse is that they might be on account of other situations. Like we said, weight loss can be a result of one’s financial situation. The same is true for a sign such as lack of hygiene or anxiety.
The thing is that you want to look for a collection of physical and psychological signs that can narrow the situation down to drug abuse. So below you will find a list of signs to look out for if you suspect drug abuse:
- Weight loss
- Disinterest in normal activities
- Mood swings
- Lack of hygiene
- Changes in personal relationships
- Financial distress
- Anxiety or depression
- Bloodshot eyes
- Lack of energy
- Paraphernalia
- Withdrawal symptoms
If you see a combination of these signs and are sure that the person of concern is using drugs, it’s essential to talk to them immediately or reach out for help. Even if you don’t want to accept that they’re using, you need to put your personal interest aside and do what’s is best for them.
How should you talk to someone if you suspect they are using?
Talking to someone about their addiction is complicated and can be difficult for anyone involved, including yourself. The thing to remember is that it’s not about you. It’s about their well-being. So even if you’re struggling with the situation, you must remember to put yourself aside and focus on them. Below are a few tips for talking to someone about drug abuse:
- Show love and Concern: The most important thing for the person of concern to understand is that you’re coming from a place of love. You’re not there to lash out at them or remind them of all of their shortcomings. You’re trying to help them through hard times, and they must know that.
- Be Patient: Throughout the entire interaction, you must maintain the aspect that you’re there out of concern, not to argue. Even if a subject makes you feel vulnerable or sensitive to topics brought up, you have to keep their best interest in mind.
- Listen more than you speak: making the situation better starts with finding the root of the issue. That begins by listening to the person of concern’s side of the story. Not only that, but by listening, you’re showing that they can trust you and they’re more willing to accept your help.
- Be Supportive: Being supportive of an addict doesn’t mean hiding the truth or enabling them. It means you’re supporting them on their road to recovery. Doing so starts by encouraging them to get help and following through with any promises you make to help them along the way.
- Set boundaries: You’re not a punching bag. Nor are you there solely to listen to their issues. Setting boundaries means you’re not putting up with certain behaviors and letting them know that there are consequences of them using. Just as with being supportive, any promises you make regarding those consequences must be upheld.
The critical thing to remember is that you can’t assume that someone is using drugs just because they’ve lost weight. And even if you suspect drug abuse is the issue, you really shouldn’t approach the situation as such until you know for sure.
If you have any questions or need any guidance, you can call an additional treatment center for help. Professionals can give you their input as well as what other signs you should be looking for.