Why You Should Insist Your Loved One Enters Into An Extended Care Program

Why you should insist your loved one goes into a recovery community after inpatient drug and alcohol treatment.
We are living in a historic time. Although it is not history most of us will care to remember looking back at the books. In the past 20 years, over 500,000 people have died due to opioid overdose. That is more casualties than World War I. In the next 10 years 500,000 more people will die due to this epidemic.
In the United States, 91 people die per day due to opioid drug overdoses. It is now the number one cause of death in the US surpassing car accidents, and Pennsylvania ranks fourth in this category.
Despite these stark and ugly facts managed care companies aka big insurance will only on average authorize 14-21 days of detoxification and residential treatment. Mind you the first week of treatment a person is still being given opioids in the form of suboxone, Subutex, or methadone as they detox off their habit. So that leaves us two weeks to treat a person who might have been using drugs and alcohol for years and finally has a clear head. This is not enough time.
Usually what happens is the person starts to feel better and goes home to attend outpatient therapy left to sort through cravings, mental health issues like depression, anxiety with minimal support which undoubtedly can lead to a relapse resulting in a relapse. We want to avoid this so what can we do about this?
We have to INSIST to our loved ones and clients that they need more care than outpatient after completing detox and residential treatment. Studies have shown the longer someone engages in a long term continuing care plan the better results they have for maintaining their sobriety. One way we can do this is to push them to attend an extended care program.
An extended care program is the next best thing to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment when your insurance company decides no more inpatient treatment is necessary. Oftentimes it is a combination of ad recovery house that is 24/7 supervised with a clinical partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP), and Outpatient (OP).
At Daybreak, clients are able to stay within the continuum of our care for almost an entire year. Through a multi-phased reality-based strategy, we have seen amazing success. The first phase includes six hours of individual and group therapy Monday through Saturday. The weekends are reserved for spending time with our patient’s families. We bring them in for education, and therapy on Saturday. On Sunday we provide a relaxing environment at our PHP house where families can come spend time with their loved ones, and enjoy some great food or hop in our pool for some fun. When clients are not in our clinical therapy program we employ holistic care including access to a private gym, cooking skills & nutrition, yoga, aromatherapy, and more.
Our real-life recovery peer specialists are constantly supervising, and help model the appropriate behavior to live a sober life. Clients follow a strict mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual program that challenges them to bring out the best in their recovery. Upon graduating this phase clients are able to transition to our IOP house as they have demonstrated a dedication to their recovery. At this level of care clients still engage in nine hours a week of group therapy as well as individual sessions with their primary therapist. It is at this portion of treatment where clients can begin searching for jobs and attend 12 step meetings on their own.
The results are self-evident. As part of the Alumni program former clients are invited back to share their experience, strength, and hope. It is common on a Friday night to find as many as 150 alumni return to show the current clients that recovery is possible.
Don’t wait a moment longer. Call us at 215-478-8047, and let us help guide you and your family into a better stronger recovery.
DayBreak is NOT just another drug rehab center – it is a treatment solution founded on the core principles of change. Relapse no longer needs to be a part of your story, call us when you are ready for a life rediscovered…844-447-3239