What Are the Top Benefits of Group Therapy in Rehab?

In today’s day and age, where it’s so easy to live in a little bubble with little outside communication, many addicts feel isolated and are reluctant to open up about their feelings.
Additionally, the stigma of substance abuse recovery leads many addicts to feel shame about their behavior and closes them off further from their peers.
However, group therapy can be a powerful tool to break down feelings of isolation and shame for new addicts.
First, group therapy enables addicts to see other members at different stages of recovery to see real-world progress. Secondly, group therapy provides a safe space where openness is actively rewarded, and feelings of guilt and shame are discarded. Thirdly, group therapy promotes a culture of recovery that encourages addicts to move forward with their recovery.
That’s why group therapy is an essential part of nearly every program and step or rehabilitation.
In fact, many programs solely focus on group therapy sessions to combat isolation and depression.
From here, addicts can engage in group activities that encourage socialization with their peers and lift much of the stigma surrounding their recovery.
If recovery is like building a house, group therapy serves as a foundation for kickstarting recovery.
To further emphasize the importance of group therapy, let’s talk about some of the benefits of group therapy in rehab, so you can see why it’s something to look forward to during your or your loved one’s journey.
4 Benefits of Group Therapy for Rehab
1. Learning From Others Mistakes
Most of us can agree that discussing our feelings with someone who has never been an addict or doesn’t truly understand what we’re going through can be difficult.
However, when addicts in similar situations can talk openly to one another about what they’re experiencing, it opens the door to receive the advice they may not have gotten anywhere else.
Hearing stories from other people that addicts can relate to relieves much of the shame and guilt that is making them feel closed off from their peers.
Additionally, group therapy also alerts addicts of behaviors they may not have known to be triggers for drug use so they can learn to avoid situations that are harmful to their recovery.
Finally, seeing addicts at different stages of recovery provides addicts with hope and makes them more willing to continue their journey toward recovery.
2. Learning to Take Criticism
Working with others is also a great way to get constructive criticism from someone struggling with addiction needs. Addicts may even be more open to hearing criticism from people further along in their recovery that can relate to their struggles.
Supportive settings are another powerful aspect of group therapy because criticism can trigger a relapse if done improperly.
However, in a safe space like group therapy, it’s a great way to build the strength of addicts to take criticism and use it toward their recovery.
Keep in mind that group psychotherapy will also be occupied with a trained therapist to help keep the conversation on track, ensuring any criticism is expressed appropriately.
3. Developing Self Awareness and Empathy
Every addict won’t always have the floor in group therapy sessions. That can be an issue for some people, especially those who feel their problems are worse than everyone else’s. However, group therapy and socialization help addicts overcome isolation and self-centeredness.
Therapists will seek to engage addicts about others’ stories to see how they can relate or feel about situations to help promote empathy and consideration.
4. Improving Communication and Social Skills
Perhaps the most positive benefit of group therapy is that it’s a powerful tool to boost social and communication skills. A lot of group therapy focuses on communication, whether it’s with other members, therapists, or how an addict has communicated with their family and friends in the past.
By providing a supportive environment, it encourages addicts to be open about their feelings and also to consider others. In addition, this exchange further improves the communication and social skills that many addicts lack in the real world because of their history of substance abuse.
Teaching addicts to become better communicators and more empathic sets them up for real-world success once they leave rehab and continue forward with their recovery in other group settings, such as AA or Al-Anon.
Group therapy is an effective tool to help anyone struggling with addiction. At the very least, it teaches addicts that they’re not alone and that it’s ok to feel vulnerable without feeling shameful.
Overall, group therapy can be a powerful tool to help promote longer-sustained recovery and set them up with communication skills to thrive in the real world.
Different people will have different experiences, though. That’s why it’s important to combine individual and group therapy for the best results. Learn more about how group therapy at an inpatient rehab in Philadelphia can help you or a loved one on the path to recovery.