The Dangers of Weekend Binge Drinking

Many people in the United States feel almost obligated to have at least a casual drink or be a moderate drinker on the weekend. Often the effects of excessive drinking, or weekend alcoholism, that people encounter are pushed aside as no big deal and just part of everyday living. However, when having a casual drink or two turns into five or more drinks Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday, then binge drinking every weekend for years can be categorized as substance abuse. If you think your alcoholic beverage consumption has passed the point of being a moderate drinker and you would like to talk to someone about alcohol abuse and substance use disorders, give us a call at DayBreak. We have alcohol use disorder treatment programs that can help you stop drinking and move forward in your life.
What is Binge Drinking?
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking excessive alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent—or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter—or higher. The numbers of drinks this correlate to differs for men and women. For men, five or more drinks or more in a two hour is going to put them into that category. For women it is slightly lower at three to four drinks during the same amount of time. There are some other pieces of date to consider, like the person’s size. Additionally, regardless of a person’s BAC, one individual may seem outwardly affected more by the same amount of alcohol and this is related to how long they have been a heavy or moderate drinker or has had an alcohol addiction.
Call Daybreak Treatment Solutions today at (844) 695-0083 for help in overcoming your addiction.
Moderate vs Binge Drinking
Most people have their own definition as to what is moderate weekend drinking and what they would consider excessive alcohol on the weekend. Binge drinking, or what historically has been called a “bender,” is considered by some people to be in the eye of the beholder. However, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism does have an official definition that’s good to think about and follow regarding drinking in moderation versus binge drinking (defined above): “…drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men and 1 drink or less in a day for women.” Additionally, the NIAAA defines heavy drinking as more than 7 drinks a week for women and more than 14 drinks a week for men.
Long Term Risks of Weekend Binge Drinking
There are many negative effects of too much alcohol consumption if it becomes a regular event in a person’s life. Excessive drinks consumed on the weekend can lead to alcohol poisoning and liver damage. Excessive drinking can also do damage in the following areas:
- The cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of a heart attack
- High blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
Why People Turn To Drinking
People turn to drinking, including binge drinking every weekend, for various reasons. It can also be part of a lifestyle, and sometimes is cultural in nature. People have a casual drink or drink on weekends or binge drink often for the same reasons:
- Stress
- Feel accepted by family and friends
- Past experiences of having a good time
- Weekend drinking is a social norm
- Acts of rebellion
Alcohol Rehab and Detox at DayBreak
If you’d like to talk to someone about the amount of alcohol you drink on weekends, give us a call today. Our exceptional alcohol rehab counseling staff will go over outpatient and inpatient rehab options, including addiction therapy for alcohol use disorder. Regular heavy alcohol consumption can lead to many problems in a person’s life and affect family and friends, too. We have alcohol abuse treatment programs to help you stop drinking and move forward with a healthier lifestyle.
If you have any further questions about what weekend alcoholism is, our various addiction treatment programs, specialized services like an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) or Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP), the coordination of stays in sober living homes, or any other treatment plans for substance use disorders or specific details about alcohol addiction treatment at DayBreak, call us today at (844) 695-0083.