Inpatient Drug Rehab Rates in Philadelphia

The Cost of Inpatient Drug Rehab in Philadelphia
One of the understandable concerns among many people who are considering a residential inpatient treatment program revolves around the cost of the levels of care that you need to work through your substance abuse. Although questioning the cost of your care is a reasonable question, it’s important to remember that in order for you to make the most out of your time at a rehab center in Philadelphia, you need and deserve personalized alcohol addiction or drug addictions treatment. Therefore, the cost of your time in our alcohol rehab or drug treatment center may be different from that of another individual.
Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?
The answer of whether your private insurance provider will provide coverage for your time in a drug or alcohol rehab is dependent on the type of coverage that you have. The majority of insurance providers will offer some type of coverage due to the fact that addiction is considered a disease. Therefore, it requires a unique type of care in order for you to work through your addiction.
If you opt to commit to an inpatient treatment program, there will be several luxuries associated with your time at DayBreak. Inpatient treatment gives you the opportunity to live on our campus and enjoy all of the wonderful amenities that are on campus. Not only that, but you will have around the clock and unlimited access to our addiction treatment team. Further, you will also be able to interact with other individuals who are working through their own treatment program. This experience is something that can provide you with a system of support which is something that is key during the time that you’re in treatment.
Something else that is part of your addiction treatment is addiction therapy. Therapy, although it may feel uncomfortable at times, is something that can help you to identify and work through the contributing factors of your addiction. This is something that is important when it comes to relapse prevention and general growth after experiencing an addiction.

How Much is Inpatient Drug Rehab With Insurance
Depending on the type of insurance coverage that you have, there is a possibility that your entire stay at our recovery center may be completely covered through your insurance. Keep in mind that there may be some limitations when it comes to the amount of time that you can spend in medical detox or our drug addictions treatment facility. This is something that we can help you to determine when you reach out to us.

How to Verify Your Insurance Benefits
If you would like to use your private health insurance to cover rehab, one of the best things that you can do is to verify insurance. This is a process that our rehab facility can assist you with. When you reach out to verify insurance, we will be able to provide you with an overview regarding our levels of care and also provide you with rehab resources when it comes to the approximate cost of your residential inpatient drug and alcohol treatment.
If you’re interested in our addiction treatments in Philadelphia, our rehab centers are here to help you. We offer not only inpatient treatment but also outpatient resources in Philadelphia such as intensive outpatient treatment as well as partial hospitalization treatment. As one of the best northeast treatment centers, you can take comfort in the fact that our addiction recovery team is second to none. If you would like to learn more about our drug abuse or alcohol addiction treatment programs, we encourage you to get in touch with us today at (844) 695-0083.