Designer Drugs: What Are They?

What Are Designer Drugs?
Substance use disorders come in many different shapes and forms. Overtime, there has been a boom in what is commonly referred to as designer stimulants or drugs. These synthetic hallucinogens and other illicit drug options are altered to adjust the chemical structure and provide more of a potentially dangerous high. Unfortunately, taking these designer stimulants comes at great cost and could result in death as a result of human consumption.
Dangers of Abusing Designer Drugs
One of the leading reasons why an addiction to a designer drug is so dangerous is due to the fact that in order to produce these synthetic opioids or drugs, the chemical structure of the substance is altered. Therefore, an individual can never be 100% sure of the drug that they are receiving. These designer stimulants can be configured wrong which could easily result in death. Addiction research has shown that not only is an individual susceptible to overdose but they could also suffer from other serious health consequences including damage to their central nervous system or renal failure. This is one of the leading reasons why it’s imperative that if you are substance abusing, you get in touch with our treatment team as soon as possible to address these issues.
Call Daybreak Treatment Solutions today at (844) 695-0083 for help in overcoming your addiction.
Why Designer Drugs Are so Popular
The main reason why these synthetic drugs are so popular is due to the fact that human consumption can result in a greater high which is something that every person who is substance abusing is continuously after. However, the effects of designer drugs does not outweigh the consequences of taking these substances. .From physical to physiological effects, synthetic cannabis, synthetic MDMA ecstasy or any other illicit drug is something that could severely impact the overall health and well-being of any individual.
Drug Addiction Treatment at DayBreak
Whether you’re suffering from an addiction to synthetic opioids or another type of controlled substance, our addiction treatment team can help you through this difficult time in your life. We offer a wide range of treatment programs which can help you to address the root cause of your addiction to synthetic drugs and help you to take steps to reverse the adverse effect that these substances have had on your life. The first step in your recovery may be working through a drugs and drug addiction detox depending on the type of psychoactive drugs you’re addicted to. On average, detox health treatment is something that lasts approximately seven days during which time you will have the care that you need as you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. Also, your treatment team will begin the assessment and management process to ensure that you get the help that you need during the time you’re taking advantage of our treatment programs.
Once you complete a detox program, you will then be in a better place both physically and psychologically to be able to commit to an addiction treatment program. At DayBreak, we offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs to suit the individual needs of our clients. We will collaborate with you to develop a personalized treatment program which will help you to get the care that you need to tackle your addiction once and for all. Not only will our treatment team be there with you but you will also feel support from other individuals who are working through their own treatment plan.
The DayBreak team is here around the clock to provide you with the care and support that you need at this stage in your recovery journey. If you’re suffering from any type of substance abuse, we encourage you to get in touch with us and learn more about your recovery options. For more information, reach out to us today at (844) 695-0083.