Can a Meth Addict Truly Recover Without Rehab?

An addiction to meth is nothing to take lightly. While all addictions are dangerous, meth takes a severe toll on the person using it. Over time, a physical dependency will form. When coupled with the mental factors, overcoming the addiction can take quite a bit of effort.
It’s only natural to try and battle this addiction on your own. You might even know of stories in which people were able to recover from a meth addiction with relative ease. But can a meth addict recover without rehab? We’re here to provide you with the answers you might desperately need.
Can you get clean without rehab?
Yes. There is the chance to get clean without rehab. However, it’s not possible in every case. Addiction is complicated, and there are a lot of factors that come into play during one’s recovery.
For one, the level of addiction, if even present, is something that will largely determine how hard it is to recover from substance use disorders. How often one uses, how much they use, and how long they’ve been addicted will all determine how hard it will be to recover.
Not only that, but meth can take a serious toll on one’s mental and emotional condition. That’s especially true if the addiction has taken a toll on life and relationships. In that case, it can be hard for them to find the willpower that is necessary to recover on their own.
Let’s also not leave out the physical toll meth addiction takes. Over time, the body will become dependent on this substance, and when an addict suddenly stops, withdrawals can be rather dangerous.
That’s precisely why one should seek help from an addiction treatment center whenever they try to beat an addiction to meth. The specialists can assess the situation and provide sound medical advice that might ultimately save your life.
Signs of meth addiction.
Understanding whether or not you’re addicted to meth can be difficult to come to terms with. Your mind might even play tricks on you, leading you to believe that your situation isn’t as bad as it is. First, though, you need to have a moment of clarity to analyze your life.
Even if you aren’t as bad as someone else, you can still be addicted to meth. If it’s something you use regularly, allow to interfere with your responsibilities or relationships, or are dependent on in any way, chances are that you are struggling with an addiction.
Furthermore, if your physical condition is deteriorating, things are serious, and you should seek help immediately.
What if it isn’t you who’s struggling with meth, though? What if you’re here because you suspect someone you care for is using or addicted to meth? Below you will find some telltale signs that someone is dealing with a meth addiction:
- Agitation
- Burns on fingers and lips
- Dilated pupils
- Erratic sleeping patterns
- Excessive weight loss
- Mood swings
- Paranoia
- Poor hygiene
- Rapid eye movement
- Reduced appetite
- Rotting teeth
- Skin sores
- Sudden weight loss
- Twitching/jerky movements
As we said earlier, meth takes a serious toll on one’s physical and mental condition. Meaning you can generally associate sudden weight loss, sores, and rotting teeth with this substance. You can’t expect the person dealing with the condition to act like the person you used to know. They can have erratic mood swings and be exceedingly difficult to talk to.
There’s also the risk that discussing the matter can lead to a sudden outburst, which is why we advise seeking help from professionals at treatment facilities before you decide to handle the matter yourself.
Reasons why rehab is so effective.
There simply is no substitute for professional treatment when attempting to recover from a meth addiction. As we said, the process can be exceedingly difficult and even dangerous due to withdrawals. Depending on how severe the addiction is, withdrawal stages can last a long time and become rather serious. Again, though, this isn’t the only reason professional help is a must.
After withdrawals subside, many make the mistake that they have kicked their addiction as cravings typically begin to fade away. However, those cravings can come back full-swing, and one may begin to use again because of it. As if that isn’t enough, withdrawals can return at any moment during the coming weeks, and they can be just as dangerous as they were the first time around.
One thing that makes rehab so effective, aside from medical attention being only seconds away, is that you can take part in therapy sessions to boost your mental state. These sessions can be one-on-one or in groups, making it possible for you to receive the advice and positive reinforcement you need to succeed. They can also provide the attention you need to recover from the long-term effects of meth that might have taken a toll on your physical and mental state.
During the final stages, your rehab center can also work with you to get your life back on track. They can help set you up with a better living situation, help you find work, and continue to provide treatment long after your stay has come to an end.
How long does it take to recover from a meth addiction?
Addiction recovery of any kind is hard to put a timeline on. As with everything else, the length of time it takes to overcome an addiction is highly dependent on the person’s condition in the first place and the level of severity of the addiction. That means you can’t try and cut out a set amount of time to recover, but you can anticipate committing yourself to the process for a while nonetheless.
At the very least, recovering from a meth addiction will take around a month. The first two weeks will be the hardest, as this is typically when cravings and withdrawal symptoms are most frequent and severe. In some cases, the initial stage may subside in just 72 hours, but it’s not uncommon for it to last much longer.
After withdrawals subside, another week of that month will be comprised of overcoming returning cravings and continued bouts with withdrawal. Again, many people make the mistake of believing that they are cured after the first two weeks. They check out and return to life only to find themselves in dire straights, with meth being the first thing they turn to.
Acute withdrawal symptoms may persist for around four weeks in some cases, which can profoundly affect one’s mental state. That’s why it’s essential to stick with the program until these symptoms completely subside. When they do, your mood will even out. You’ll get on a normal sleep pattern and be able to give even more effort to overcome your addiction.
Still, the recovery process doesn’t end here. In fact, you might need to continue to work on it for months after your initial visit. Outpatient treatment and better living situations are highly recommended. Continued therapy and programs to help you find better housing or work can help you get back into the world you lived in before addiction took control.
Life after recovery is still a part of recovery.
You mustn’t underestimate how important life after recovery is. Unfortunately, even if you have a wonderful experience at rehab, returning to your old life can lead you right back into the clutches of meth addiction. That’s especially true if you return to a home or environment in which meth is prominent.
Substance abuse is a funny thing, and those dealing with it, especially in a communal sense, may normalize it. If you recover from addiction and return to a world in which people use it all around you, there’s a significant chance of relapse.
This is also the case if you continue with unhealthy relationships that triggered you to use anyway. That doesn’t just mean living with another meth addict. If your loved one is abusive, distributes the substance, or allows people to use it around you, you must stay away from it when you check out of rehab.
These are all things your rehab center can help you with. They can offer advice on handling social manners and set you up to live in a sober living home in which drug tests are regularly administered to ensure no drugs are present.
As if that isn’t enough, they can also help you start a career that will give you the means to begin a new life on your own two feet, which may be the positive experience you need now more than ever. We also need to mention that you can’t expect those positive relationships to bounce right back when you return. The problem is that addiction takes a serious toll on loved ones, and the damage caused may take time to get past.
Of course, you aren’t on your own here either. Family therapy sessions are an option, and we highly recommend them so long as your loved ones are willing to partake. Furthermore, individual therapy can work as a saving grace if someone who means a lot to you refuses to be a part of your life despite getting clean again.
Recovering from meth takes a lot of work, and it won’t happen overnight. That does not mean it is impossible, though. Nor should you let these factors discourage you. After all, your quality of life will immediately begin to improve after the initial stages as both your mental and physical conditions return to healthy states.
That said, you will want to consider professional help from a rehabilitation center as they can provide you with the medical and physical attention you need to remove this nasty substance from your life.